
Sunday 27 January 2013

365 Project Week 4

365 Photos 2013

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I am taking part in the 365 photo challenge for 2013, linking in with The Boy And Me.
You can join in here.

I will add pictures each week. 

                                                                 365 Project
                                                       Week 4

Day 20
We went for a wintery walk in the park.
Note the red nose and cheeks, it was freezing!

Day 21
I had the morning to myself whilst Ben was in playgroup (a rare luxury!) so i sorted out the bedroom, 
tidying and sorting toy boxes under the bed and getting rid of lots of rubbish. Very therapeutic!

Day 22
After school Megan was being creative and making a necklace by sticking gems onto the template.
A fab Christmas present for my creative little one.

Day 23
Mr W put up together the scalextric which caused excitement from Ben, although he got
frustrated because the cars kept whizzing off the track and crashing!

Day 24

Day 25
Ben and Daddy watching Megan at trampolining. 
Daddy was off work today so had a chance to watch Megan (the first time he has seen her).
I think he was very impressed at how much she can do!

Day 26
These prints were ones we picked up today from a local photography studio.
Before Christmas I won a raffle and the prize was a photo shoot and framed print.
We look all four little monkeys for the shoot and Laura and I had a real job picking the prints
 we wanted as they were just gorgeous.
I couldn't resist buying the other two prints as they were just beautiful. 


  1. Bless him with his cherry nose in the park, great photo though! Just popping over from 365 at TheBoyandMe

  2. Lovely pics - he does not look impressed out in the cold! The pics you have had done are gorgeous!

  3. Great pictures. Love the prints you had made, they look lovely

    1. Thank you. will have to find a nice spot for them now x

  4. looks like a busy but fun week for you! cant wait to see next weeks :-)

  5. Impressed with your scalelectrix track.

    1. Hmm and Mr W still wants more bits! where will it all go?!

  6. Love those rosy cheeks and red nose. Looks freezing though!! The family portraits look great. I remember the scalextric track when I was younger with my brother playing it. The cars were forever flying off the tracks!

    1. Ah thanks. I know, nightmare, Ben was getting so cross!

  7. Beautiful photos you have had done, what a fab prize :-)

    1. I know! it was a great chance to get all four of them done together x

  8. oh my goodness! Is that what Brownies wear these days? How modern! (says me feeling my age and remembering my uniform from over 34 years ago, erk!) Also, your bunk beds look great - Ikea ones? We thought about those for H but went with a single in the end... though she thinks she's getting a bunk bed for her 4th birthday this year. Hmmmm.

    1. Oh yes, no attractive brown dress and leather belt for them! bunk beds were off eBay, bargain but I think they are from Argos. they can be separated if needed x

  9. Oh Brownies, my daughter was a Brownie and so cute. She tried Guides when she left Brownies but it wasn't the same and she didn't want to go back. I laughed when I saw your photo of bedroom tidying - cleaning up Dot's room is something I dread, it's always a mess!

    1. It's a nightmare isn't it? toys everywhere! slightly more sorted now, but only slightly! megs went to rainbows first and loved that, she is loving brownies too so hope it continues x

  10. I love the expression in the first picture! Brilliant!

    1. He doesn't look too impressed about being out in the cold!

  11. Lovely photos! Scaletrix- fantastic!!!! Love the tidy room- you're right, so therapeutic!!

    1. Thank you, looks a bit of a mess again now!
