
Saturday 23 March 2013

365 Project Week 12

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I am taking part in the 365 photo challenge for 2013, linking in with The Boy And Me.
You can join in here.

I will add pictures each week.

365 Project

Week 12

Day 76

Ben went to his friends birthday party, where he had a ball! At one point the children were dancing to Gangnam Style and Ben wanted to join in, but was a bit shy so did it sat down!

Day 77

Wriggly Caterpillar Game, a big favourite at the moment!

Day 78

Playing 3D snakes and ladders, which Ben got for Christmas. It is lovely that Ben can now join in with simple games and we have great fun playing snakes and ladders.

Day 79

Cousinly love! Grace kept jumping on Ben and giving him cuddles. Ben found this very funny! Ah, very cute!

Day 80

Megan and Ben both entered a colouring competition that was being run at Mr W's work. They had to colour Sponge-bob Square Pants in and they were both lucky enough to win a Easter egg! Ben was over the moon as he had a Mario egg with mug! Megan got fairies and a mug too.

Day 81

Whilst trampolining is on, Ben has a play in a little room with a couple of mini climbing frames. He usually meets the same little boy in there too so that keeps him entertained for an hour while I keep one eye on him and one eye on Megan trampolining.

Day 82

Lunch time! Ben was pulling funny faces at Grace to try and make her laugh while I was doing her lunch. He is getting very grown up and can be very helpful when the mood takes him!


  1. Oh, what lovely children you have. Do love the photo of Ben and his sister with their paintings, they look so happy, and chuffed with themselves. Love too how your cat creeps into the photos!

    1. Thank you, I think they are pretty lovely too. Jake has been creeping into the pics this week. its too cold for him outside x

  2. Very endearing pictures, I particularly like the one where Ben is sitting doing Gangnan style dancing. Well done to them both for winning a prize in the competition.

  3. I love the last photo with Ben pulling funny faces at Grace. Very sweet.

  4. Lovely pictures. Ben pulling faces for Grace made me smile..

  5. Gorgeous family pics, that caterpillar game looks fun

  6. Day 79 is just so adorable! Wriggly caterpillar is a favourite here too - that is when the naughty dog doesn't steal the teeny little balls!

  7. Your little boy is so cute, The Boy wouldn't join in dancing either but would be happy to watch. I love the caterpillar game, what happens in it?

    Thanks for linking up.
