
Sunday 26 May 2013

365 Project Week 21

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I am taking part in the 365 photo challenge for 2013, linking in with The Boy And Me.
You can join in here.

I will add pictures each week.

365 Project

Week 21

Day 139

Ben having a readathon of Dora the Explorer!

Day 140

We were all having a game of Diego Animal Safari. It is lovely that we can now all play games together. 

Day 141

I saw this rainbow just before bedtime. Megan saw it too and wanted to go and find the gold at the end of it!

Day 142

We went to mums and tots and Ben had a great time on the trike, whizzing up and down and round and round!

Day 143

Ben had both his individual and class photo taken at playgroup. This is just the proof and isn't a brilliant picture but he just looks so lovely!

Day 144

This is a picture of the caterpillar cocoons that I have been entrusted with and  brought home from school today! They  are due to hatch any moment (no signs yet!) and I feel as apprehensive as when I was ready to give birth!

Day 145

The gorgeous girls posing in Megan's sunglasses. Beautiful.


  1. Love the caterpillar photo, I'd love to see them hatch

  2. that is a gorgeous school photo isn't it? that will take pride of place on many a shelf among your family I am sure! great rainbow capture too and the pretty girls wearing sunglasses is lovely too x

  3. What a responsibility the class caterpillar cocoons, hope they hatch ok. Lovely pictures of Ben and the girls.
