
Sunday 11 August 2013

365 Project Week 32

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I am taking part in the 365 photo challenge for 2013, linking in with The Boy And Me.
You can join in here.

I will add pictures each week.

365 Project

Week 32

Day 216
Manchester Sky Ride
Mr W, Megan and Jack went on the sky ride and had a brilliant time.
Hopefully Ben and I can do it next year when he is a bit bigger.

Day 217
Spiderman in Asda!

Day 218
We went to Knowsley Safari Park for the Jungle Dogs launch and Megan and Ben gt these fab kangaroo onesies!

Day 219
Ben and Jack playing on 'Just Dance!'

Day 220
We had a game of the Nutty Squirrel game that is still one of favourite games!

Day 221
A bit blurry.
A pic of us going to visit Grandad, who is still in hospital. He is on the mend now, but it is going to a long haul to get him back on his feet (literally).
The children hadn't seen him for two weeks and were really missing him so I think they enjoyed this visit.
Hopefully he will be moved to a more local hospital soon so we don't have to keep driving 45 mins each way every day to see him.

Day 222
My helper hanging out the washing.


  1. Love the onesie's, let's dance and bless your little helper!:)

  2. what cute onesies and well done to your little helper. wishing your grandad a speedy recoveryx

  3. Ah The Boy had a crocodile onesie, it would be quite cute for a fancy dress costume I think?

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
