
Sunday 18 August 2013

Where I Have Been

You may (or may not) have noticed I have been very quiet on my little blog the last few weeks.
My dad has been very poorly, and is still in hospital, but hopefully on the right side. The problem is, or two main problems are, he is currently an the Manchester Royal Infirmary (MRI). He was transferred there two weeks ago from our more local hospital as he needed specialist care, but that is a 45 minute journey both ways, add that to parking and walking to and from his ward, which is at the far end of the hospital, makes the whole thing about 1 hr 10 mins each way. Quite a journey! And every day. My mum has been spending most afternoons there and a lot of evenings too.Me and my sister have been going in the evening. As soon as Mr W walks in at 6.15pm, I rush off and generally get back about 9.45pm. Hence the act I haven't been blogging!  We are really trying to push for a move back to the local hospital but so far no luck.
The second problem is my Dads mobility. It wasn't great before, due to a couple of different issues but now it is very poor. As he has been laid up for so long, he has lost a lot of weight and muscle and therefore currently can't get out of bed himself. He is having physio on the ward and they are aiming to get him to a point where he can go into rehabilitation before coming home.

So in a nutshell that is what has been going on. I am missing my blogging, but will be grabbing bits of time as and when, until everything is more the meantime pass the wine....

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