
Saturday 4 January 2014

365 Project 2014, 1st to 4th January

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I am taking part in the 365 photo challenge for 2013, linking in with The Boy And Me.
You can join in here.

Well, here we go again. 2014. Project 365.
I am really hoping to do better than I did last year as for different reasons I only managed half a year.

So, days 1 to 4. 1st January to 4th January.

Day 1
New Years Day. Both Megan and Ben have loved being in PJs, chilling out and playing on Christmas presents.

Day 2
Light Sabre's and Ben 10 guns!

Day 3
Play doh can't beat play doh!

Day 4
Megs was showing Grace her snow globe she had made and asking her to make a wish! Very cute!

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  1. play doh is always a winner in this house too. x

    1. It's great fun, isn't it? Can you see my pics ok? x

  2. I only managed half the year last year too, hopefully we'll both manage to complete it this year. I can't see your photos for some reason (I have refreshed a few times but they refuse to show themselves).

  3. Another play doh loving family here too! #365
