
Sunday 22 February 2015

Half Term Mayhem

Half term is rapidly rushing to an end and I for one have completely enjoyed it.
It has been busy, Megs and I have both had colds. I also had a migraine on wed too but we have had lots of fun.
Monday saw us heading off to Wrexham to visit Lynne, Helen and the girls. Always good fun and very relaxing. Lynne is one of my very special friends. We have the type of relationship where we can not speak for months and then pick up the phone as though we spoke just 10 mins ago. The very best kind of friend to have.
We spent a lovely afternoon having lunch. Megs and Ben had a great time with Lynnes girls, Amy and Bethan. Lots of laughter and giggling! We then went to the ice cream farm for hot chocolate, mini golf, go karts, panning for gold and playing. A really lovely catch up.
On Tuesday we headed off to Heaton Park with Suzanne and the kiddy winks. A cold sunny picnic and scooting around summed up the day, with a play on the park and ice cream thrown in for good measure! And that evening we had pancakes too!
Wednesday arrived and I woke up with a migraine. No wallowing in bed though as Jack and Grace were coming today. We went out late morning with another friend and her two girls to Tatton Park which is somewhere I haven't been for ages. Armed with painkillers and fresh air I managed to cope and by mid afternoon my head was feeling quite a bit better. The kids loved the park at Tatton. It is wooden and has zip wires so it's a bit more daring! After lunch we had a wander, the kids scared the living daylights out of some 'rare breed' sheep ( think the kids thought they were sheep dogs!!!) And we had great fun exploring rabbit holes with sticks!
On Wednesday evening I had a date with Mr Grey (and the girls!), which I thoroughly enjoyed!!!
Thursday I had my hair cut, lunch at mums and then went to get new school shoes, school trousers and tights for the kids. Mum had Grace and they came too and treated the kids to new clothes, much to Megs delight!!!
On Friday we went with mum, Laura and her two to Gullivers World . Another freezing, but dry day. Ben was amazing and went on everything!! Jack was very impressed with him. He even went on the rickety wooden roller coaster that I hated, but he loved! My little man is growing up too fast. Megs looked after Grace and went on a few rides with her. We had another picnic and hot drinks to warm us up after!!!
Megs went to watch the gang show when we got back and I went out with the girls for a few cocktails and a Greek meal for Suzannes birthday.
Megs went to a birthday party on Saturday so Ben and I baked some cakes. And today, Sunday, we are going to finish off homework, read reading books and pack school bags ready for tomorrow. Bath night and early nights tonight!
Phew, we didn't stop this week, we certainly packed loads in but had great fun and made more happy memories.


  1. What a fabulous half-term of fun and fresh air, despite your migraine. Great to see you even did a spot of baking too :)

  2. Wow! What a busy week full of fun

  3. A busy half term week with plenty of outdoor fun for your family. I love the look of Hatton park and all the photos from there. Thank you for joining me for Country Kids.
